Justice and Mercy
For more information about the Justice and Mercy Committee, contact Marilyn Reed at alsomarilynreed@gmail.com.
Click below to see how our committee gets involved.
NPC’s Hearts for Justice and Mercy Committee seeks to fulfill God’s commission in Micah 6:8 to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. To this end, we seek to support members of our congregation already engaged in these ministries and disciple those seeking to find their niche in this type of service.
One of the ways we do this is to inform our congregation of the ministries we participate in. Hopefully, this information will inspire others to become involved and to raise valuable prayer support. We pray for those who serve and the people they minister to. We also provide financial support as needed.
Below are some of our areas of service and the contact information for those areas of ministry.
The Chestnut Foundation
Contact: Donna Hart
Shelby and Benjamin Chestnut are siblings who each have a rare, very disabling neurological illness. Benjamin has Transverse Myelitis, as does Donna Hart. The Foundation seeks to do as much as possible to assist families with more than one ill child and raise awareness of Transverse Myelitis.
Human Trafficking
Contact: Sally Kapner
Sally Kapner seeks to raise awareness of the pervasive reality of human trafficking in our backyard and in the world. The hope is to encourage and inspire actions to prevent human trafficking, protect potential victims from slavery, and prosecute those profiting from the human trafficking industry.
Quilts for Comfort
Contact: Teri Weed
Teri Weed leads a small group of people using their quilting talents to make small, comforting and unique quilts for those in need. The organization, Quilts for Comfort, distributes these wonderful creations to hospitalized children and others in need of such a warm expression of God’s love.
Loving Our Neighbors
Contact: Jennifer Bonovitz
Mark 12:31 “… Love your neighbor as yourself…” Loving Our Neighbors brings food and clothing and provides advocacy in finding shelter, legal services and medical services to our brothers and sisters on The Parkway and in Kensington. Most of all, they build relationships based on God’s love.
Orphan Care
Contacts: Val Foley
Val Foley's work for Orphan Care helps to link orphaned children and the new families that care for them. Information, emotional support, as well as financial assistance are all provided throughout the process of adoption and establishing their new, loving families. We also seek to support those involved in the foster care system.
Race Relations
Contact: Marilyn Reed
Marilyn Reed uses social media and book studies in her home to start conversations among white people about the history of racism in the United States, the consequences of that history, and how we can begin to correct the wrongs that exist today. The conversations are meant to educate and encourage small steps toward racial equity and racial reconciliation.
Publication Date:
September 21, 2021